The Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping unites four of the most prestigious and historic equestrian shows – the CHIO Aachen (GER), the Spruce Meadows "Masters" of Calgary (CAN), The Dutch Masters of 's-Hertogenbosch (NED) and the CHI Geneva – brought together by a shared passion of the sport, excellence and respect of tradition.
The coronavirus disrupted the 2020 Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping Majors and the EHV-1 virus affecting horses almost ruled out the first leg of the 2021 season, which was scheduled to take place during the Dutch Masters in March, but has newly been postponed to April 23rd to 25th.
The date of the CHIO Aachen has been postponed as well and will be held this year from Friday 10 to Sunday 19 September 2021.
The dates for the Spruce Meadows 'Masters' 2021 have not changed. The competition will take place from Wednesday, September 8 to Sunday, September 12.
The dates for the CHI Geneva also remain unchanged. The competition will take place from Thursday 9 to Sunday 12 December 2021. Get ready for great sport during our 60th edition!
For more information on the Rolex Grand Slam of Showjumping, visit
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